Beginners BJJ

Beginners BJJ

The beginner BJJ program is designed for those who haven’t trained before. Over the 16 BJJ classes, the course will take you through the fundamental techniques of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. All the BJJ beginner classes are taught by Jamie Taylor, who holds the rank of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt. After the 8 week course, you will be familar with the main grappling techniques and be ready to move on to the regular classes.


Top Tips To Help You Survive Your First BJJ Class

I want to join, but i'm worried i won't be able to keep up with the pace? 

Joining a new gym can always be daunting, but there really is no need to worry. The Jiu Jitsu beginners classes are just that, they are designed for people who have never trained martial arts before. You can work through the techniques at your own pace and remember that everyone else in the class is just starting out as well!

What can I wear to my first BJJ Class?

All you need to start training is some sports clothing. T-Shirt and shorts are perfect, a gi/kimono isn’t required for the BJJ for beginners course. 

Is there anything I should do to prepare before the class? 

Take extra care with your personal hygience. Clean your person, brush your teeth and be odorless. You should also make sure you have cut your fingernails & toenails, (you’ll be in close contact with other people and your nails can cut someone) please remember to remove all jewellery before you attend the class too. 

Remember, a black belt is just a white belt who refused to give up.  

What you can expect to learn over the 8-week course:

  • BJJ specific warm ups
  • Fundamental positions
  • Pins
  • Escapes
  • Sweeps
  • Submissions
  • Guard passing
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