Luis Mccarthy

Luis Mccarthy Full Length Portrait

Experience:6 Years

E-mail:[email protected]

Luis Mccarthy

Director & BJJ Coach


Luis is Purple Belt and has been training BJJ since 2013. His history includes being an active competitor in international BJJ competitions including European championships & British championships. Aside from his passion for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Luis is a successful businessman in the Teesside area and is the name behind each of the JMAC brands; Scaffolding, Safety Systems & Industrial Services. 

Discussing his BJJ coaching philosophy & classes, Luis said:

"BJJ Can become a maze that we can all become easily lost within. I like to work on basic techniques often, and also like to work on the offense and defense to a particular scenario or position. If you understand how to defend a technique it also makes you more efficient with the offense. When attending our classes, you can expect a great atmosphere, energy, and some fantastic people from all walks of life. There’s such a random mix of personalities that you would rarely find anywhere else. You will be challenged physically and mentally, however you will meet some of the best people around, some of which I now call my closest friends. Many people will tell you BJJ also increases confidence & fitness, aids with stress relief, and creates a new social circle, one that really knows how to have a laugh!"

Moving on to his advice for BJJ beginners & how BJJ has helped him personally, Luis said: 

"Don’t be hard on your self at first. Every defeat is a learning experience of which you come back from stronger, with a passion to learn more about the art to prevent it happening again. This creates a growth mentality. Focus on one position at a time, mat time is everything & the more you put in the more you get out like most things in life. BJJ has helped my overall mentality and problem-solving ability, it makes you resilient and able to adapt to changing circumstances around you not only in the gym but in everyday life."


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